March 2, 2009

Elder Ordination

This past Sunday we ordained four men to shepherd our church. We eschewed the formalities of a typical ordination service (this would just not fit our church, I mean come on we meet on Sundays at 5pm). For me the moist poignant moment came when all four stood facing the church, and listened as various members read to them from scripture. I almost lost it when I watched them stand arm in arm as my son, who is eight, read to them about Jesus asking Peter to "Feed his lambs."

It seems to me that the beauty of leadership is often lost in the formality of it. What most of us need in life is not a well-put together budget presentation or constant communication from those who lead about where we are all going. Those things are good. But they only seem truly important when real leadership is missing. Real leadership is four guys willing to take their cue from a child reading scripture. If they truly "feed the lambs", they have done their job.


  1. Hey, Damon...
    Watching from afar, here. We have been silent partners, so to speak, for years, and applaud your directions. They seem so simple and Christ-like..thus, so fresh, and right. God bless your elders, and deacons...and membership.

    You doesn't seem like we should need to brave to do things Christ's way...and to value everyone, including--mercy---women! But, it does take courage for a local ekklesia to take a closer look at the Lord, and do things that other groups have overlooked. It is about time we saw that the way that He valued the undervalued, and sent them as messengers. He also valued children...refreshing to see a child used in the service, so meaningfully.

    I am looking forward to your blogthoughts, Damon.

    Tom Fowler

  2. Oh, how I miss HOPE! Looking forward to following your blog. Give Melody and your precious children a big hello from Sugar Land.

  3. I agree, that was a wonderful service. Whoever had the idea to let members talk about each elder from the audience should get a raise. Notice that all four people who talked, used an example of that particular elder's Christian service to show their leadership. Many men lead by pointing, ours lead by serving. I might be a little biased, but I think we have the best elders around.
    Creg Istre
