September 27, 2009

Love At First Sight

We went to the hot air balloon festival Friday night. Only one balloon took off. Kinda disappointing. However, there was belly-dancing. (By the way, no better way to embarrass your high school child than be one of these middle-aged ladies shaking their hips in front of a thousand people.) We came home, got kids in bed, and Melody went to take a bath. When she finished, she came in the kitchen where I was eating a Nutty Bar, and she had put the clothes she wore to the balloon festival back on. That's when I knew it was on like Grey Poupon.

I will spare you the next several hours that mostly involved me freezing and miscounting the number of breaths taken during a contraction. At 6:44 a little girl entered our world. Kinda blue from the cord around her neck, she was immediately squawking and looking around suspiciously. And I love her dearly.

Don't know what else to say. I don't know if adults experience love at first sight, but I have felt it five times. So, without further ado, here is a glimpse of Savannah Faith. (If you click on the picture, it might enlarge.)


  1. Looks like you're gonna need a bigger couch! hehe
    Congrats Parkers!

  2. Ha! Stinson is RIGHT!! Sure wish you could have heard the CHEER that went up last night at church when Savannah's Big Announcement was made.

    (Oh, and speaking of worship last night...powerful. Emotional. Affirming. Beautiful.)

    Welcome to the world, Savannah Faith!

  3. Just wanted you to know that the card I sent has Savannah's name misspelled. OOPS! But she really is beautiful. What is her hair color? I can't tell in the pictures. I was told that she does have hair.
    Blessings on you Savannah. The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD turn HIS face toward you and be gracious unto you. Amen.

  4. Congratulations! We cant wait to see her in person and fall in love, too.

  5. Yay! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
